Fished out of Mellerud, Lake Vänern today. Nice day with relative from Norway as companion. Markku did well and there were not to much wind in the morning but increasing in the afternoon with some 8m/s. We managed to hook on two small salmon and another salmon 64cm. A seagull visited the boat aswell. The bird gave some really nice sound in one of the reels after hiting one of the baits in the surface. After some dentalwork with pliers and thick gloves it went of, extremely angry but atleast alive. The 64cm salmon will be christmassalmon at some Norwegian party. Tomorrow we try to see if can catch some bigger fish. We had or bites at "Bananen" and outside of Kräklingarna. 8-9 degrees in the water.
Fish bit on Anchovy in Vuoksiraksi baitheads, bluewhite. Speed were some 2 knots to cover some water and fish it off tomorrow. A plug, Tomic 4 inch had some hits aswell, pearlblue i beleave it was.
"SarppeMarkku" with todays catch. |
Vuoksiraksi with Anchovy. |
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