From this weekends fishing we didn't get any salmons at all with us home, but we had our smoked salmon with us home so we didn't leave emptyhanded. We had a nice weekend me, brother and Bert. We fished south and west of Tärnö on good old spots. It's fun doing that with my brother and Bert. They have spent hours, days, months on that location and it's intresting to listen to all storys they can tell about their fishery down there.
Anyway, we managed to get a good size salmon to get hooked on a spoon, but we had it on for just a short time but enough to see it show its side for us, before it got loose. Nice salmon!
Water was eight degrees and weather were all sorts. Rain and sun mixed with a nice and steady southwesterly wind. Best salmonweather i think!
But its still spring in the water. Hornpike has not been in for spawning yet. We got some of them punctured by our hooks and they were full with eggs. So maybe some warm weather will give the salmon a boost to start moving towards Mörrumriver. And maybe fishermen will need a boost too - we saw only one boat out during the whole weekend!? Im going to Karlshamn in two weeks time to see if i can get a big salmon hooked again. But first i want to see some fish start raising in Mörrumriver. The salmon is out there and so will we.
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