In case you want try to get some really nice char, Lake Vättern is the place to fish. We fished out of Hjo on thursday last week. The boat was in water from early afternoon till sunset and in those few hours we had a fair number of char in the boat. We kept some for the midsummer feast and the rest of the fish was released outside of the boat, as usual.
Fish took on baitfish behind dodger and flasher, baitfish behind actiondisc, on flies, both in in surface, 50g lead and on downrigger between 40-80 feet. No fuzz, simple fishing. Go for 25-35m deep water, east of the harbour and there's lot of baitfish and all the other ones that gives a nice go on the rods.
Watertemp. is not mixed up, so it's easy to find spots that held fish.
I had Stefan with me on this little trip on thursday. The fish in his hands is one of the ones we kept for the grill.
Have a jolly fine fishing everybody all around the sweet lakes we have to take care of.
I have been writing back and forward to about the salmonfishing in the Baltic sea.
The new regulations almost went thru; due to them, if we caught a salmon with adiposefin left (wild salmon) we should have thrown it back in the sea, dead or alive.
Now, there is only 40% of planted salmon in the Baltic sea that has their adipose fin cut off, since Sweden is the only country of them around the Baltic sea that do this. So, it's hard to know if it's a wild salmon on the hook or planted, so therefor the new regulations were put on ice.
I was looking forward to new regulations, a plan to save and look after the population of wild salmon in the Baltic sea. Giving us something to follow we could have said also the regulations in the northern part of the sea must be looked over, all in mind to save the wild salmon.
Now the rivermouth of Torne älv is blocked by nets. Swedes blocked it june 19 and Finns will do it june 25. Opens up on september 15.
Up the river you'll find teams, approx. 50 of them that fish with nets and something called kullenät. These teams are not fishing for their living. They reported they caught 3094 kg. salmon last year with their nets. That is 300 salmon if averageweight is 10kg...That is clearly false numbers. I'm working on to prove it, so i leave it for now.
A have all the numbers of caught fish in the Torneriver, (numbers reported).
I must say it's gives a strange feeling when looking at all these numbers and at the same time look at the new regulations that almost went thru for us fishing with boats, rod and reel in the sea.
Due to new regulations I should have thrown back wild fish, maybe dead, in the sea when they haul up wild fish in nets in the pearl of wild, untouched rivers in northern europe, Torne river.
It's nuts!
I recommend you to read the regulations on the
Finnish-Swedish boarder commission homepage .
Click on the banner in Swedish and then
There is some 90 pages, but you'll soon find the interesting parts.
Now, when you have read it; contact by sending them a question to how they will deal with our fishing contra the fishing they have in the rivers up north with nets.
The more of us that send mail to them, the sooner they have to start dealing with it. Show intrest!
Ask them simply how they can have rules and regulations from year 1800 in the rivers, when sportfisherman are put to regulations 2012 with the meaning of saving wild salmon.
Do a good job and have a nice summer.
I'm off to Lappland tomorrow. Back in august :-)
Stefan with one of the chars |